We Change Lives!
No donation is too small. Every dollar counts!
To make a tax deductible donation to the Peter Sategna Educational Foundation:
Online |
By Check |
Mail a check payable to The Peter Sategna Educational Foundation and mail it to:
The Peter Sategna Educational Foundation
30982 Huntwood Dr. #203
Hayward, CA 94544 |
In addition to making an immediate donation we also have Planned Giving opportunities available to be able to contribute in a different way, but still be able to give to make that change. Please contact us to discuss the many potential ways that we may be able to accomodate you with a Planned Giving strategy. However, we cannot give tax advice, so please contact your tax advisor to find out which will benefit both you and the Foundation.
The Tax Benefits of Contributing to our Foundation
THE PETER SATEGNA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION is a California not for profit corporation created pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. This means that donors can contribute sums to the Foundation and deduct those contributions from their income taxes. It also means the Foundation does not have to pay its own income tax on any proceeds deriving from its activities.
It is important for each donor to get his or her own tax advice in determining precisely what benefit would apply to his or her particular tax situation, but the tax deductibility of donations to the Peter Sategna Educational Foundation is equivalent to that applicable to donations to other charitable or educational institutions; such as the Red Cross or a university.
The reason the tax deductions are allowed is the recognition by the government that the activities of the Foundation are for the public benefit and not for the profit of any private individual. The government wishes to encourage donations to organizations such as the Peter Sategna Educational Foundation by granting such deductibility.
At the Peter Sategna Educational Foundation, we take pride in using every dollar that is donated to help in the educational goals of the youth and military veterans in our area. All board members serve on a voluntary basis and overhead costs are kept to the bare minimum so that we can serve those deserving individuals and ensure they are benefited to the fullest. As Peter was helped by one man’s generosity, we now seek to extend that help to generations to come within our community.
Donors to the Peter Sategna Educational Foundation
Delmo Della-Dora, Emeritus Professor CSU, East Bay
Janet Garin
Laxman Reddy - CEO St. Rose Hospital
Charles Ramorino
Vishal Kapadia & Family-2011 Scholarship Recipient
Phatkat Decals
Straw Hat Pizza - Industrial Parkway, Hayward
Eden Area Regional Occupational Program, Hayward, CA

The business and financial records of the Foundation are to be made available to the public upon reasonable request, so that the public can determine that appropriate use of the donations is being performed.
