Delmo Della-Dora
Charter Board Member Emeritus

- Work Experience:
- US Navy (during WWII), chemist, science and math teacher, principal, associate superintendent and superintendent of schools in Michigan and California for 24 years.
- University professor and administrator for Eastern Michigan University and California State University, Hayward for 21 years
- Education:
- University of Michigan (BS, Chem)
- Wayne State University (MEd, Administration and EdD, Curriculum
Special Assignments
- Director of Planning, Michigan-Ohio Regional Educational Laboratory
(BurResearch, US Dept. of Ed.)
- Educator Member of 3 person team conducting state -ordered
decentralization of Detroit Public Schools
- Coordinator, Federal court-ordered desegregation, Detroit Public
- Chair of Educational Innovation, Wayne County (Michigan)
- Member, USAID Team in Somalia (Africa) for 2 years. Development of the
Somali National Teacher Education Center and Advisor to the Somali
Ministry of Education for Elementary School Science Education.
Leadership Roles in Community
- Board Chair. Emergency Shelter Program (homeless/abused women),
- Board Member, Seventh Step Foundation (rehab of parolees), Hayward
- Board Member of Rotary Clubs in Erie, MI and Hayward
- Secretary of Hayward-Ghazni [Afghanistan] Sister City Committee
- President, Michigan Educational Research Council
- President, Michigan Association for Supervision and Curriculum
- President, (International) Association for Supervision and Curriculum